Fixed Price All Inclusive Information Technology Support
In these challenging economic times, we know you are looking at ways of reducing costs and controlling Information Technology expenditure. It was with this in mind that Total Information Systems has launched its program iSupport to deliver high quality services to the medium, small and micro business sector.
The service has been designed so that your organisation does not need to hire IT staff. Our pricing is lower than appropriate in-house IT employment costs and offers improved service levels and scope, focusing on prevention rather than cure.
Unlimited Remote Support & Helpdesk
With staff on extended working hours 7am to 5pm we are available to handle your calls to the office during normal working hours. Beyond this you can call a technician by mobile phone to have your issue resolved. Our Helpdesk takes ownership of all problems until they are resolved, even if the problem is reliant on a third party provider.
Unlimited On-site Call-Outs
If we are unable to resolve the problem remotely, we’ll arrange an onsite call-out visit by one of our service representatives at no additional charge within 24 hours of your request so you can have the issue resolved.
Proactive PC & Server Management
We manage all your servers and PC’s/laptops around the clock utilising best of breed management software, ensuring the management and deployment of Microsoft security updates and service packs to all your PCs & Servers.
Service Management
Your service manager will meet you when required, discuss any issues or needs and ensure the day to day service is running smoothly. Our account managers have your best interest at heart, so they recommend the most appropriate solutions for you.
Comprehensive Service Set Up
We place particular attention to the transition of your service over to us. We invest heavily at the start of a service, and quite frankly it is in our interest to do so, with the aim to ensure we fully understand your environment and to address any niggling information technology problems you currently have. But you will appreciate how this focus benefits you as well.
Are you interested or need more information?
Contact us to schedule a demo